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Add a new task


When creating a schedule there will be a large number of tasks that you might need to add.

There are two ways you can add a task, either by using the dropdown method on the schedule page, or using the “Add new task” button.


Using the “Add task” button

  • Navigate to the Schedules Page
  • Click the “Add Task” button
  • Search for the relevant task you would like to add in the pop up box.
  • Click on the task you would like to add
  • Edit the quantities, specification, area or whether the task is Builder supplied in the following window

  • Either search for other tasks you would like to add, or click “Add task” to add it to the schedule.

Using the dropdown method on the schedule page

  • Navigate to the Stage/Area you want to add your new task
  • If you are displaying “Substages” (green square in image below)
  • Click the dropdown and search for your relevant task you would like to Add.
  • Note that you will be only able to find Tasks within that substage.
  • If you are unable to find the Task you are looking for try “Hiding All” Substages, by navigating to the substage button (Green square, image above) and then “Hide”.
  • This will Hide all substages, and then you can search all tasks within that particular stage. 

  • Once adding the task it will add the task to the relevant substage.