For Property Developers & Managers
With Build Partner, you can create quick feasibility studies and detailed cost plans in just a few clicks.

Create quick cost plans and feasibility studies
Select from our easy to use templates to create a detailed cost plan in a matter of minutes and help you and your client decide what’s possible.
Tailor your schedule with our live price database
With our live materials database you can easily check the feasibility of your next project by checking the latest costs of your upcoming projects.
All rates based off your projects current location.

Invite builders and manage your quotes in one place
Manage your builder quotes all in one central place.
Check how much your project would cost if you were to use a small scale builder vs a high tier builder.
Export your quotes in any format
Export your cost plan or schedule in word, excel or PDF. Send it to your client as a basis for in depth cost discussions around scope and budget.

Personal quantity surveyors on call at any time
Benefit from dedicated quantity surveyors on call at all times via our chatbot.
Or use our discounted Quantity Surveying rates to compile your schedule or cost plan for you.
Trusted by 100's of builders across the UK